About Me

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Four Score and Seven Years Ago......

It all started the other day when Harrison found a brochure for Madame Tussauds Wax Museum here in DC.  On the front of the brochure was a picture of the wax statue of President Obama.  Like a little boy who had just tasted chocolate for the first time, Harrison started jumping up and down and told me we just had to go there!  I had to smile and almost joined him jumping up and down.  Finally!!!!!!!!  My kid wants to do something that will be fun for ME too!!!!!!!!  Yippee!
"Yes Harrison!  We will definitely go to the wax museum."
He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at me and said, "Wax Museum....what is that?"
After I explained to him what Madame Tussauds really was, he threw the brochure down, crossed his arms, and said, "Nevermind"
Here we go... I thought to myself as I braced for Harrison Meltdown 132 of the day.
The next 30 minutes were spent trying to explain to Harrison that Madame Tussauds was so neat because you think you are looking at the real person but you are really just looking at a lifelike statue made of wax! Then the conversation led into an explanation of why we could not go over to President Obama's house (stupid brochure) to meet him.  Ever.  Even if we told him we weren't bad guys.  Even if we brought cookies.  No, I don't have his phone number.  

Randomly over the next few hours, he would bring it up again and again until he finally dropped it.....as he fell aspleep.  If I were a betting gal, I would be willing to place money on a bet that he dreamed about going to visit President Obama.

Just when I thought that we were done with the President conversation, Harrison really caught me off guard in the car yesterday when he started crying.  Again.  This time?  His fit was because he realized President Abraham Lincoln was dead.  True story.  He asked me whose face was on his penny.  When I told him it was President Abraham Lincoln, he then asked if we could meet him.  I told him no.  Then he wanted to know where he lived so I had to tell him he was dead which immediately sent him into meltdown 397.  He wanted to know how he died; who shot him; how he got shot; why he didn't have secret agents protecting him that night; why he may have let his guard go home, and is that the reason why President Obama has so many guards now and the only way we can meet him is to go to the wax museum?  45 minutes later, we lived to tell about it.

Fast forward to today.  I had to take Harrison to a birthday party for a little girl in his class which meant that I had to go to a birthday party for a little girl in his class. The party was an indoor soccer party.  It was ALL day.  It did not come as a shock to me when Harrison just sat in my lap the whole time, but at least he managed to find the ONE other little girl who was sitting in her mommy's lap.  Maybe he can socialize after all!? Well, of course Harrison had to ask said little girl if she knew that Abe Lincoln was dead and would she like him to tell her how he died.  
Sigh.  I don't think we will be invited to her birthday party.

Ironically, Groupon was selling tickets to Madame Tussauds the next day so I bought 4.  Anyone wanna go with us?

At the end of the day.......I think I will have answered 1,294,333 questions.


  1. I LOVE it!! I really enjoy hearing Harrison and Cole stories, and one day when you write a book I want both the boys to sign it with you:)

  2. Hahaha. Thanks Susan! :) They definitely are entertaining! Harrison would love to give you his autograph! :) Are you hanging out up here at all?

  3. I will be hanging in April, which means, I'd like to have a conversation regarding Presidents:)
