About Me

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Is it possible to have writer's block on entry #4?  
I should be working 
I should be doing laundry
I should be doing dishes
I should be meal planning and making my grocery list
I should be cutting coupons
I should be reading to Harrison and helping him with his math
I shouldn't be on Facebook
I shouldn't be on here.
But I am. :)

Maybe the reason I can't find my inner motivation is because it's Saturday and I made the "responsible" decision to stay home and work when I really wanted to shop. Or eat. Or play.  That worked out well.
Maybe it's because I miss Adam and Cole.  Maybe.  Hahahaha

Maybe it's because Harrison was sick this week and became an adorably exhausting patient making my perfectly planned out schedule turn upside down.

Maybe it's because my bed is the one place in the house that I spend the least amount of time.

Maybe it's because I just received a picture from my mother in law of Mister Cole playing in the sand at the beach this morning.  :)

I want to be in Florida instead of wrapped up like an Eskimo while the wind swirls around me in a Wizard of Oz kind of way.  But I'm not in Florida.  I am sitting at my table pretending that I am working but actually becoming professional at perfecting my skill of avoiding all things responsible and productive.  

At the end of the day......I will probably still have nothing done :)

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Love it. I am reading your blog instead of working so thanks for that.
